Private Equity International (PEI) held its second annual Operating Partners Human Capital Forum in central Manhattan. The biggest take-away from this event is that it happened at all and was well attended with 50% growth from the inaugural event in 2022.
Private equity has been on a long and steady path over the last 20 years of generating more value from operational improvements rather than financial leverage. The appearance of “Operating Partners” 15 years ago was one indication of this shift. And, over the past 6 years, we have noted a steady increase in the attention paid to people, culture, talent and human capital as a driver of value growth. The 185 talent operating partners in attendance at this year’s PEI Human Capital conference is a strong indication of this trend accelerating.
Some of the other key take-aways from the conference include:
Humatica saw the trends noted at the PEI Human Capital conference coming 20 years ago, when the company was founded. Our “3rd Wave” studies in 2017 and then repeated in 2022 documented these trends and developments. Yet the unique tools, databases and structured services the firm developed are only just now beginning to be more broadly deployed across portfolio companies and funds to improve organizational performance and value growth.
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