As the fall-out from COVID-19 threatens to sink entire portfolios, PE sponsors and CEO’s need to walk a tightrope between preserving organisational capabilities in order to resume growth in case of a rebound in 2H 2020, while at the same time preparing to survive a protracted recession or even depression if things go wrong.
Our latest HumaticaCorner explores the options for portfolio managers and CEOs.
Why is it that most mergers, reorganizations, and downsizings fail to generate their anticipated full value? The main reason is that a lack of effective…
Read moreAs the traditional levers of value creation get price-in, getting a competitive edge in private equity lies in unlocking hidden potential within portfolio companies through…
Read moreAccording to the most recent federal statistics, business bankruptcy filings surged by 33% in the US between September 2023 and September 2024. Elevated debt, higher supplier costs,…
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