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Latest Insight

14 May, 2024 By Humatica

Working-off your organizational debt

Mastering today’s polarized private equity markets
11 Apr, 2024 By Humatica

Mastering today’s polarized private equity markets

The fund landscape is changing faster than ever before, creating winners and losers in an increasingly competitive private equity ecosystem. Higher real interest rates are…

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Unlocking Success – Beyond Culture Series #3
11 Apr, 2024 By Humatica

Unlocking Success – Beyond Culture Series #3

In the third episode of our Beyond Culture Series, we talk about industrializing best practice management processes. Link to Video 1:07 Register here to join our live…

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Culture matters. But behaviors matter more.
18 Mar, 2024 By Humatica

Culture matters. But behaviors matter more.

There’s increasing focus on “culture” as an elusive driver of value growth. Creating a “high performance culture” has become the mantra for transforming buy-outs to…

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Unlocking Success – Beyond Culture Series #2
01 Mar, 2024 By Humatica

Unlocking Success – Beyond Culture Series #2

The second installment of our interactive webcasts looks at organizational transformation. Join us for a lively discussion on this topic of vital interest for private equity.…

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Next Gen B2B Sales | Leveraging AI and Account Based Marketing
22 Feb, 2024 By Humatica

Next Gen B2B Sales | Leveraging AI and Account Based Marketing

Alvin Toffler’s 1970 global best seller “Future Shock” described the disruptive impact of new technologies on business and society. His title is even more applicable…

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What makes a great private equity CEO
18 Jan, 2024 By Humatica

What makes a great private equity CEO

“What got you there won’t get you there”. It’s never been more true than right now for private equity backed companies facing economic headwinds. Increasing…

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Unlocking Success – Beyond Culture Series #1 
18 Jan, 2024 By Humatica

Unlocking Success – Beyond Culture Series #1 

Welcome to an exciting journey of discovery as we delve into the intricacies of organizational effectiveness in our latest podcast & video series, “Beyond Culture.”…

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Five take-aways from Real Deals Value Creation Conference
21 Nov, 2023 By Humatica

Five take-aways from Real Deals Value Creation Conference

RealDeals Value Creation Conference added a second day this year to focus on organizational effectiveness and talent as a key driver of value creation. The…

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Podcast: Beyond culture – how management processes unlock performance
09 Nov, 2023 By Humatica

Podcast: Beyond culture – how management processes unlock performance

Humatica founder, Andros Payne, explains the importance of organizational effectiveness to Ross Butler in a recent FundShack interview. It’s an opportunity to learn how to…

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Organizational due diligence as a value creation lever
18 Oct, 2023 By Humatica

Organizational due diligence as a value creation lever

Information asymmetry in dealmaking has favoured incumbent management teams over investors, especially with culture and leadership practices. Managers may know where these skeletons are buried…

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Finance is linear, organizations are not
11 Sep, 2023 By Humatica

Finance is linear, organizations are not

In private, talent operating partners are frustrated with investment teams lack of understanding about organizations. Likewise, investment managers are frustrated that they can’t find the…

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CEO Job #1 – Aligning stakeholders for value growth
28 Jun, 2023 By Humatica

CEO Job #1 – Aligning stakeholders for value growth

Operating Partners from 20 top funds recently met to discuss how to align managers and employees to deliver the value creation plan. Humatica facilitated the…

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Strengthen your organisation by addressing the weakest links
10 May, 2023 By Humatica

Strengthen your organisation by addressing the weakest links

Conventional wisdom says that building on the strengths of an organisation is the most direct path to business success. It’s also the foundation of most…

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Report: Organizational Effectiveness – Private Equity’s Third Wave of Value Creation
26 Apr, 2023 By Humatica

Report: Organizational Effectiveness – Private Equity’s Third Wave of Value Creation

Talent Operating Partners are playing an increasingly critical role for value creation at the current inflection point for the PE industry where “what got you…

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Three competencies that make a good CEO great – Insights from the PEI Human Capital Conference March 2023
19 Apr, 2023 By Humatica

Three competencies that make a good CEO great – Insights from the PEI Human Capital Conference March 2023

In today’s dynamic business landscape, private equity (PE) firms are increasingly searching for deals across a range of sectors and industries. Competition for investments is…

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Key take-aways from this year’s PEI Operating Partner Human Capital Forum
11 Apr, 2023 By Humatica

Key take-aways from this year’s PEI Operating Partner Human Capital Forum

Private Equity International (PEI) held its second annual Operating Partners Human Capital Forum in central Manhattan. The biggest take-away from this event is that it…

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Operating model redesign – Liberate or Incapacitate, the choice is yours
29 Mar, 2023 By Humatica

Operating model redesign – Liberate or Incapacitate, the choice is yours

Companies are reorganising more frequently than ever before. It’s a natural consequence of a more dynamic market environment. But how can they manage the risks…

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Crack the code on good leadership with maturity models
02 Mar, 2023 By Humatica

Crack the code on good leadership with maturity models

In a rare moment of frustration, mid-market investment manager Jan complained, “we agreed a full-potential plan with management. But now, a year in, implementation is…

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Webinar: Leveraging organizational effectiveness as the ultimate source of value creation
12 Feb, 2023 By Humatica

Webinar: Leveraging organizational effectiveness as the ultimate source of value creation

Based on Humatica’s recent research, Organizational Effectiveness: Riding private equity’s third wave of value creation, this webinar examines why and how organizational effectiveness is being…

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Smart rightsizing – 6 steps to increase efficiency and effectiveness
31 Jan, 2023 By Humatica

Smart rightsizing – 6 steps to increase efficiency and effectiveness

Elon Musk’s dramatic Reduction in Force at Twitter (affectionately known as “RIF” in the US) is both an early indication of more to come, and…

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Applying TQM to management processes and behaviour to ensure stable returns
12 Dec, 2022 By Humatica

Applying TQM to management processes and behaviour to ensure stable returns

Edwards Deming, the father of modern-day statistical process control and Total Quality Management, understood that reducing sources of variability in business produces consistent results with…

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Management onboarding for private equity carve-out success
22 Nov, 2022 By Humatica

Management onboarding for private equity carve-out success

As economic pressure mounts, more corporate carve-outs are on the cards. These primary buyouts have been lucrative for private equity. But they require more work…

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Our takeaways from the Real Deals Value Creation Conference 2022
09 Nov, 2022 By Humatica

Our takeaways from the Real Deals Value Creation Conference 2022

On Thursday 3rd November, Humatica had the pleasure of sponsoring and attending the Real Deals Value Creation Conference. The full-day event benefitted from the participation…

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Engineering your organization
27 Oct, 2022 By Humatica

Engineering your organization

More literature and advice is piling up on leadership effectiveness and organizational performance. It’s no surprise. We are at an inflection point between the industrial…

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alpha Talks – Buy & Build: A Success Story
30 Aug, 2022 By Humatica

alpha Talks – Buy & Build: A Success Story

In the latest episode of the alpha Talks Podcast, Humatica Managing Partner Andros Payne speaks to Stijn Vos, CEO of the Esdec Solar Group and…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Assessing governance quality
20 Jul, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Assessing governance quality

Assessing good governance is still in its infancy. The most common approaches are focused on interactions with the top-level board and senior executive. The state…

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WEBINAR: Activating the Organization for Change
14 Jul, 2022 By Humatica

WEBINAR: Activating the Organization for Change

With multiples under pressure, buy-out managers are asked to do more to drive top-quartile performance. Entrepreneurial leaders know that they need to inspire and activate…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Good governance starts at the top, but it doesn’t end there
13 Jul, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Good governance starts at the top, but it doesn’t end there

ESG and good Governance have become essential tools for sustainable value growth. But Governance in particular has proven elusive to measure. That’s a challenge because…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Quantifying Company Culture
29 Jun, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Quantifying Company Culture

As much as a company with a good corporate culture can thrive even in difficult times, a firm with a dysfunctional culture can stumble in…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Company Culture:  How it drives value creation
08 Jun, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Company Culture: How it drives value creation

Corporate culture is a wonderfully fuzzy concept that is both liked and despised by investment professionals. They know culture is critically important, but don’t know…

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Inflation and its implications for PE and talent
31 May, 2022 By Humatica

Inflation and its implications for PE and talent

The jury is now in, the Fed has been sleeping at the wheel and the genie is now out of the bottle. The annualized US…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Middle Management: How to “kick the tyres” before driving
18 May, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Middle Management: How to “kick the tyres” before driving

Humatica has pioneered analytical tools and methods to open the black box around middle management readiness and ensure smooth implementation of the value creation plan.…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Middle Management: Where the rubber hits the road
12 May, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Middle Management: Where the rubber hits the road

Limiting assessments to the N-1 top-executives risks miscalculating the capacity of the portfolio company’s organization to drive change. Often overlooked, middle management is the critical…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Best practice guide to assessing leadership teams
03 May, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Best practice guide to assessing leadership teams

While traditional leadership assessments can be seen as complex, subjective and even threatening exercises, there are other simpler approaches that sponsors can use to a…

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Liked and feared – the changing role in entrepreneurial leadership
28 Apr, 2022 By Humatica

Liked and feared – the changing role in entrepreneurial leadership

The information-age has brought the rise of “knowledge workers” as the key asset driving value growth –  smart, self-motivated people who connect-the-dots and facilitate the…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Leadership Team Excellence: It’s not just the CEO
27 Apr, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Leadership Team Excellence: It’s not just the CEO

The leadership team is a driving force for creating a high-performance culture and generating superior returns. Contrary to conventional wisdom, getting the right CEO is…

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Organizational Excellence Series – Riding private equity’s third wave of value growth
19 Apr, 2022 By Humatica

Organizational Excellence Series – Riding private equity’s third wave of value growth

Why Organizational Excellence? Private equity has become hyper-competitive. With abundant liquidity and highly structured processes, new levers to drive value growth and differentiation are needed.…

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Reorg governance – there is none!
30 Mar, 2022 By Humatica

Reorg governance – there is none!

Why is it that most mergers, reorganizations and downsizings fail to generate their anticipated full value? The main reason is a lack of good governance…

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How to effectively reorganize a portfolio company
29 Mar, 2022 By Humatica

How to effectively reorganize a portfolio company

Companies are reorganizing more frequently than ever before. It’s a natural consequence of a more dynamic market environment and higher management turnover. Jack Welch famously…

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Talent Operating Partners – The Next Step in Value Creation
02 Mar, 2022 By Humatica

Talent Operating Partners – The Next Step in Value Creation

It is a difficult role which first appeared ten years ago. Talent operating partners are a small cohort that goes by different names. However, they…

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Future Forecast – Private Equity in the Next 20 Years
27 Jan, 2022 By Humatica

Future Forecast – Private Equity in the Next 20 Years

As the founder and Managing Partner of Humatica, it’s been a privilege to observe, and in a small way, facilitate the transformation of private equity…

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The Behavioural Revolution – A Podcast Episode from Source Global Research, London
30 Nov, 2021 By Humatica

The Behavioural Revolution – A Podcast Episode from Source Global Research, London

How to profit from dynamic markets. Is your organization ready for it? Humatica’s Andros Payne was recently interviewed on the new frontier of behavior-centric business…

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Private Equity – Beyond the Bubble
20 Oct, 2021 By Humatica

Private Equity – Beyond the Bubble

A chorus of top economists and investment gurus including Larry Summers, Ray Dalio, Nouriel Roubini, Jeremy Grantham, Cathy Wood and Mohamed El-Erian are sounding the…

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The Last Great Arbitrage – Management Process Excellence
30 Sep, 2021 By Humatica

The Last Great Arbitrage – Management Process Excellence

Excess liquidity has flooded private markets and reduced the number of easy targets in private equity. Investors are now competing for ever smaller arbitrage opportunities…

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Interview with Dr. Thomas Costa of Coventya
28 Jul, 2021 By Humatica

Interview with Dr. Thomas Costa of Coventya

In the new episode of the alpha Talks Podcast, Enno Krey speaks to Dr. Thomas Costa, former CEO of Coventya (acquired by MacDermid Enthone in…

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Assessing Organizational Readiness Pre-deal: Deal Makers Need More Than 10 Questions
19 Jul, 2021 By Humatica

Assessing Organizational Readiness Pre-deal: Deal Makers Need More Than 10 Questions

A side-effect of full-priced markets and the industrialisation of private equity is funds looking to upgrade and standardize their deal processes – the way they…

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Q&A: Buy-and-Build Integration with Gilde Buy Out Partners and ESDEC
01 Jul, 2021 By Humatica

Q&A: Buy-and-Build Integration with Gilde Buy Out Partners and ESDEC

Humatica Managing Partner Andros Payne interviews Joost Heeremans, Partner at Gilde Buy Out Partners, and Stijn Vos, CEO of ESDEC, about the lessons learned during…

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Interview with Jouni Heinonen of HVD Partners
16 Jun, 2021 By Humatica

Interview with Jouni Heinonen of HVD Partners

In the latest episode of the alpha Talks Podcast, Enno Krey speaks to Jouni Heinonen, Managing Partner of HVD Partners, a service provider that helps…

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Going for gold – The new face of organizational due diligence
27 May, 2021 By Humatica

Going for gold – The new face of organizational due diligence

Making good investment choices is getting harder With more institutional money in the market and the industrialization of private equity, the number of attractive opportunities…

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Buy & Build: Secrets of Success – The Whitepaper
19 May, 2021 By Humatica

Buy & Build: Secrets of Success – The Whitepaper

The Practical Guide for Private Equity Professionals and Senior Executives Humatica’s latest whitepaper “Buy & Build: Secrets of Success” features the critical lessons learnt that…

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Private Equity winners and losers – Is your business model ready?
27 Apr, 2021 By Humatica

Private Equity winners and losers – Is your business model ready?

The fund landscape is changing, creating more winners and losers in an increasingly polarised ecosystem. The pandemic and long-term megatrends are forcing strategic and competitive…

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Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 5 of 5: Integration Governance: Always Critical, Often Forgotten
19 Apr, 2021 By Humatica

Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 5 of 5: Integration Governance: Always Critical, Often Forgotten

Once a top-level target operating model and organization are agreed, that’s when the heavy lifting starts. It’s when hundreds of decisions on sub-structures, new or…

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Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 4 of 5: Getting The Soft-Factors Right
01 Apr, 2021 By Humatica

Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 4 of 5: Getting The Soft-Factors Right

Most managers and employees view a merger or acquisition with fear and suspicion. They see it as a zero-sum game, where one party wins at…

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More Money, More SPACs, More Problems
29 Mar, 2021 By Humatica

More Money, More SPACs, More Problems

SPACs are a new phenomenon that further blurs the line between public and private markets. They are putting more pressure on private equity funds to…

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Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 3 of 5: Merging Sales & Marketing Organisations
19 Mar, 2021 By Humatica

Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 3 of 5: Merging Sales & Marketing Organisations

Defining the post-merger operating model is an essential step after a bolt-on acquisition including what functions and activities should be merged, and which should not.…

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Upskilling to deliver the Full Potential Plan | A 10-minute tutorial
09 Mar, 2021 By Humatica

Upskilling to deliver the Full Potential Plan | A 10-minute tutorial

What got you here, won’t get you there. With deal prices on the rise, funds need work harder and take bigger risk to realize superior…

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How to make a 9x return in 2.5 years – An interview with Jouni Heinonen of HVD Partners
02 Mar, 2021 By Humatica

How to make a 9x return in 2.5 years – An interview with Jouni Heinonen of HVD Partners

Humatica recently interviewed Jouni Heinonen, the managing partner of HVD Partners on their sale of Solifos AG to NBG GmbH. HVD Partners carved out the…

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Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 2 of 5: Collaborative Design of the Target Operating Model
01 Mar, 2021 By Humatica

Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 2 of 5: Collaborative Design of the Target Operating Model

Defining a target operating model “TOM” is an essential first step following a bolt-on acquisition. It sets the organizational framework for the future management structure…

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The right org effectiveness consultant – Don’t hire a dentist to cut your hair
25 Feb, 2021 By Humatica

The right org effectiveness consultant – Don’t hire a dentist to cut your hair

One of the consequences of more competitive deal markets and more money in private equity is the increased use of consultants – not only pre-deal…

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Mastering Organizational Due Diligence
23 Feb, 2021 By Humatica

Mastering Organizational Due Diligence

97% of deal makers agree that organizational issues are the greatest source of deal risk. Ask any dealmaker what determined their best and worst deals…

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Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 1 of 5: Why Buy & Build?
16 Feb, 2021 By Humatica

Buy & Build Secrets of Success – A Five-Part Series | Part 1 of 5: Why Buy & Build?

In an increasingly competitive deal market, private equity firms are more and more turning to Buy & Build strategies to realize superior returns on their…

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Andros Payne speaks about Organizational Effectiveness on the alpha Talks Podcast
08 Feb, 2021 By Humatica

Andros Payne speaks about Organizational Effectiveness on the alpha Talks Podcast

Andros Payne has joined the first episode of the alpha Talks podcast. He speaks about organizational effectiveness and explains how private equity funds can use…

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Entrepreneurial Governance, the next step
27 Jan, 2021 By Humatica

Entrepreneurial Governance, the next step

Private equity has consistently outperformed public markets. In the past this was attributed to more aggressive capital structures and strongly aligned management incentives. However, with…

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Boosting Sales Efficiency post-COVID
10 Dec, 2020 By Humatica

Boosting Sales Efficiency post-COVID

Is your Sales Force ready for digital sales? As 2020 draws to a close, corporate leaders are looking back over the last months since COVID…

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Restructuring: More than Cost-Cutting
26 Nov, 2020 By Humatica

Restructuring: More than Cost-Cutting

Humatica is featured in The Times of London on restructuring for future growth during COVID. The Raconteur supplement on Business Restructuring addresses key aspects on the…

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Don’t put your ERP before your TOM
11 Nov, 2020 By Humatica

Don’t put your ERP before your TOM

It happens too often. Firms start an ERP implementation. After vendor selection and latest during process requirements definition, they realise that the new system will…

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Merging bolt-on former competitors to deliver alpha
15 Oct, 2020 By Humatica

Merging bolt-on former competitors to deliver alpha

Even in COVID times, bolt-on acquisitions are an important lever of value growth for private equity. However, they are tricky to execute, especially with former…

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Doug Anderson speaks to Humatica on the future of business travel
02 Sep, 2020 By Humatica

Doug Anderson speaks to Humatica on the future of business travel

COVID-19 is causing unprecedented upheaval in the travel industry. In particular, business travel has seen a steep decline driven by lockdown constraints and the emergence…

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Mastering the transition from family-owned to PE governance
01 Sep, 2020 By Humatica

Mastering the transition from family-owned to PE governance

Sponsors pull their hair out trying to reform the governance of previously family-run businesses. Clearly, there are many successful ones, including Swarovski, Mars and ALDI.…

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Andros Payne interviewed by the ESG Foundation
24 Aug, 2020 By Humatica

Andros Payne interviewed by the ESG Foundation

Clive Booth of the ESG Foundation interviews Andros Payne on the corporate governance practices that underly sustainable value creation – the ‘G’ in ESG. We…

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Andros Payne interviewed by Mike Hicks of Catalysis
28 Jul, 2020 By Humatica

Andros Payne interviewed by Mike Hicks of Catalysis

In this 10 minute interview for Catalysis Advisory, Andros Payne of Humatica answers three important questions: What’s driving increased PE focus on non-financial, organizational issues in…

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The Post-COVID Organisation (Part 3): +40% sales effectiveness improvement following COVID
01 Jul, 2020 By Humatica

The Post-COVID Organisation (Part 3): +40% sales effectiveness improvement following COVID

COVID-19 is forcing accelerated digitalisation of B2B sales with far-reaching consequences for Sales organisations. The rationale for on-site “sales calls” to understand customer needs and…

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The Post-COVID Organisation (Part 2): Four Lessons for Future Org Structures and Operating Models
01 Jun, 2020 By Humatica

The Post-COVID Organisation (Part 2): Four Lessons for Future Org Structures and Operating Models

COVID-19 has taught us a lot about the organisational structures and new operating models of the future. One lesson is how much can actually be…

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The Post-COVID Organisation (Part 1)
01 May, 2020 By Humatica

The Post-COVID Organisation (Part 1)

Many are speculating about what lasting organisational changes will result from COVID-19. Everyone is sure that social distancing will have an impact on how we…

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Covid-19 – Is your portfolio ready for the long haul?
01 Apr, 2020 By Humatica

Covid-19 – Is your portfolio ready for the long haul?

As the fall-out from COVID-19 threatens to sink entire portfolios, PE sponsors and CEO’s need to walk a tightrope between preserving organisational capabilities in order…

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AI, IQ & EQ – The future of knowledge-work and leadership
11 Mar, 2020 By Humatica

AI, IQ & EQ – The future of knowledge-work and leadership

At a time of heightened uncertainty, AI is creating even more future shock. Leading scientists, including the late Stephen Hawking warn that if left unchecked,…

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Using values to shift culture and grow value
28 Jan, 2020 By Humatica

Using values to shift culture and grow value

The collective ability of an organisation to anticipate change, opportunities and risks, and move faster than the competition drives sustained value creation – the winning…

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Beyond Agility: The Creative Organisation
28 Nov, 2019 By Humatica

Beyond Agility: The Creative Organisation

Markets, competition and customer preferences are shifting faster than ever. The disruptive economics of information is challenging new and established businesses alike. No wonder leaders…

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Private Equity: the next 10 years
01 Oct, 2019 By Humatica

Private Equity: the next 10 years

As a long-time contributor to RealDeals magazine, Humatica was asked to write a piece on the future of private equity – a rare opportunity to…

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Best-Practice Reorganisation
01 Aug, 2019 By Humatica

Best-Practice Reorganisation

Companies are reorganising more frequently than ever before. It’s a natural consequence of a more dynamic market environment and higher management turnover. Jack Welch famously…

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Developing your CEO, the next step for Private Equity
01 Jul, 2019 By Humatica

Developing your CEO, the next step for Private Equity

As value creation plans have become more aggressive, the rate of CEO turnover has increased. Sponsors have less time and patience. But fire and hire…

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Compliance vs. Profits : the PE challenge
27 Jun, 2019 By Humatica

Compliance vs. Profits : the PE challenge

In the June issue of Real Deals, the HumaticaCorner focuses on how some funds are turning new compliance requirements to their advantage for improved governance.…

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Future Shock: Enabling tomorrow’s Sales organisations
17 Apr, 2019 By Humatica

Future Shock: Enabling tomorrow’s Sales organisations

Alvin Toffler, an American futurist, wrote his global best seller “Future Shock” in 1970 describing the effect of new technologies on business and society. His…

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Getting the Organizational Benefits of Digitalisation
01 Mar, 2019 By Humatica

Getting the Organizational Benefits of Digitalisation

Digitalisation is one of the hottest topics in private equity today. The disruptive effect of the technology can render a good investment obsolete or enable…

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What’s keeping PE awake: Managing the next downturn
01 Feb, 2019 By Humatica

What’s keeping PE awake: Managing the next downturn

The real test of a management team comes when they need to quickly shift from growth to cost reduction. This day of reckoning may soon…

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Motivating Millennials to create value
17 Jan, 2019 By Humatica

Motivating Millennials to create value

PE executives are stuck between a rock and a hard spot. Pressure to drive company performance has increased with prices. On the other hand, the…

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Fire or develop?
01 Oct, 2018 By Humatica

Fire or develop?

Over 70% of CEO’s are replaced during the holding period – one more indication of today’s challenging value creation plans and competitive deal markets. However, the…

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Why is Apple is so valuable?
17 Aug, 2018 By Humatica

Why is Apple is so valuable?

Apple recently became the most valuable public company, breaking through the $1Tr. mark. How is it possible that a firm in the hyper-competitive consumer electronics…

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Using the G-force in ESG
01 Jul, 2018 By Humatica

Using the G-force in ESG

As the PE industry matures and successful deals get trickier to execute, ESG guidance becomes more important. Compliance requirements are logically tightening all around. This…

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Go deep, to go fast
01 Jun, 2018 By Humatica

Go deep, to go fast

At the recent PEI Operating Partners Forum Europe, there was consensus: organisational effectiveness and talent management are the foundation for implementing all value creation levers.…

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Getting the benefit from IT systems
02 May, 2018 By Humatica

Getting the benefit from IT systems

Systems implementation is notorious for high project risk and failure to deliver anticipated benefits. In particular, private equity, with its limited timeline for investment, struggles…

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Accelerating value creation in full-priced markets
01 May, 2018 By Humatica

Accelerating value creation in full-priced markets

With EBIT multiples reaching uncomfortable heights, there is no room for error in executing the value creation plan. And, management drives the pace. This month’s…

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Digitalisation is easy | Organisation is difficult
01 Mar, 2018 By Humatica

Digitalisation is easy | Organisation is difficult

Digitalisation is disrupting business. But it is having an even more profound impact on organisations, behaviour and leadership. Rudimentary activities are being made redundant, and AI…

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What got you there, won’t get you there
01 Feb, 2018 By Humatica

What got you there, won’t get you there

What got you there, won’t get you there Hyper-competitive deal markets and full-prices are changing the rules of the game. Private equity sponsors and portfolio…

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Corporate Carve-outs | Opportunity and Challenge
01 Jan, 2018 By Humatica

Corporate Carve-outs | Opportunity and Challenge

One approach to boost yields is to target more complex, difficult situations. Corporate carve-outs often fit the profile. However, releasing value doesn’t come easy. Extracting…

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Corporate carve outs: Humatica’s observations on risks and benefits of this asset class
19 Dec, 2017 By Humatica

Corporate carve outs: Humatica’s observations on risks and benefits of this asset class

The last year has seen a number of high-profile corporate carve-outs come to market. In a competitive buyout industry, private equity firms have been eager…

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Are you ready for the next Black Swan?
20 Oct, 2017 By Humatica

Are you ready for the next Black Swan?

Times have been good for private equity since the global financial crisis in 2009 – eight years of steady growth and easy money. However, dealmakers…

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Talent Management Operating Partners – who needs them?
01 Sep, 2017 By Humatica

Talent Management Operating Partners – who needs them?

More funds are appointing specialised Operating Partners to help align portfolio company organisations for value growth. However, the emerging role is not yet well defined…

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Private Equity Unplugged
01 Aug, 2017 By Humatica

Private Equity Unplugged

Increased competitiveness and technology are driving “always-on” availability of deal makers. However, is this a good thing? Humatica was recently quoted on the topic in…

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Managing Secondaries
01 Jul, 2017 By Humatica

Managing Secondaries

Managing Secondaries – The good, the bad and the ugly Secondaries are more commonplace. However, a change of ownership from one PE house to the…

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Surviving the buy-out
01 May, 2017 By Humatica

Surviving the buy-out

Over 50% of buy-out CEOs don’t get to see an investment all the way through. And, in private equity, the trend to replace senior executives…

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Lost in translation – Making your plan, their plan
29 Mar, 2017 By Humatica

Lost in translation – Making your plan, their plan

In the latest RealDeals Guest Comment article, Andros Payne, discusses learning the secret of how successful operating partners drive change without formal authority… Read full…

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Catch the next wave of Private Equity value creation
08 Feb, 2017 By Humatica

Catch the next wave of Private Equity value creation

Based on a request from Limited Partners and General Partners, Humatica initiated an ambitious study to understand the current state of the art in organizational…

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How Operating Partners change organizational behaviour
01 Jan, 2017 By Humatica

How Operating Partners change organizational behaviour

Operating Partners have the most difficult job in Private Equity. They should facilitate transformational change post-deal, but without formal authority. Our experience shows that those…

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What secular stagnation will mean for you
28 Nov, 2016 By Humatica

What secular stagnation will mean for you

A lack of economic growth despite record low interest rates, rising populist discontent and mounting unfunded pension liabilities in the developed economies: they have the same…

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Global HR guru picks-up on the third wave in private equity
01 Aug, 2016 By Humatica

Global HR guru picks-up on the third wave in private equity

Humatica has been an advocate for a more assertive PE investment approach focusing on leadership and organisational performance since 2003. In this month’s InFocus HR guru Dr.…

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Why women are better managers – Unlocking the EQ puzzle
21 Jul, 2016 By Humatica

Why women are better managers – Unlocking the EQ puzzle

Women are running four of the world’s top democracies and with Hillary Clinton, may soon be running the fifth. Times have changed indeed. The ideals…

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Management Processes – the unseen algorithms that drive value creation
01 Jun, 2016 By Humatica

Management Processes – the unseen algorithms that drive value creation

Standards and compliance requirements are increasing everywhere. However, the essential leadership processes for making and implementing decisions to grow value are often left to each…

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Brutal Honesty – How far can it go? 
01 May, 2016 By Humatica

Brutal Honesty – How far can it go? 

Most people avoid conflict. It’s anti-social. However, sometimes this gets in the way of making good business decisions. This month’s InFocus features a recent interview with Ray Dalio,…

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Reorganisation | Liberate or incapacitate, the choice is yours
29 Apr, 2016 By Humatica

Reorganisation | Liberate or incapacitate, the choice is yours

“A well executed reorganisation can be one of the most liberating events in a company’s history, releasing power and talent”. In the latest edition of…

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Organisational Due Diligence – Cracking the code to unlock the value
31 Mar, 2016 By Humatica

Organisational Due Diligence – Cracking the code to unlock the value

97% of private equity investors confirm that personnel issues are a key reason for not achieving targeted IRR. Clearly, sponsors need more transparency in this…

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Escaping the Silo Effect
25 Feb, 2016 By Humatica

Escaping the Silo Effect

“Specialisation runs out of steam when you can’t connect the dots on patterns of risk or opportunity, which is really what private equity is all about,” Read…

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Industrialising Private Equity: How to avoid the organisational risks
01 Feb, 2016 By Humatica

Industrialising Private Equity: How to avoid the organisational risks

Private equity has grown in scale and maturity, with multi-billion funds having hundreds of employees and offering diverse financial services. In an era of diminishing…

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Guest contribution: Sourcing in Recruiting Strategy and ROI
18 Dec, 2015 By Humatica

Guest contribution: Sourcing in Recruiting Strategy and ROI

Hiring the right people is frustratingly difficult. The number of dimensions on which there needs to be a fit are large. Some can be tested…

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Hiring the right people: Above 50% and you’re doing great
01 Dec, 2015 By Humatica

Hiring the right people: Above 50% and you’re doing great

Hiring the right people is frustratingly difficult. The number of dimensions on which there needs to be a fit are large. Some can be tested…

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Soft factors: The next big thing in private equity
24 Nov, 2015 By Humatica

Soft factors: The next big thing in private equity

A recent article on discusses the results from Humatica’s new study “The Third Wave: Organisational due diligence – Riding the next wave of value…

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Catching the third wave in Private Equity
01 Nov, 2015 By Humatica

Catching the third wave in Private Equity

New Humatica Research  Too many funds. Too much liquidity. Too high deal prices. Fund managers are asking themselves what’s next after Operational Excellence? How will…

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Organisational Due Diligence – Closing the Last Asymmetric Information Gap in Deal Making
25 Oct, 2015 By Humatica

Organisational Due Diligence – Closing the Last Asymmetric Information Gap in Deal Making

In the October issue of Acquisition International Humatica consultant Valentina Pozzobon discusses how organisational due diligence can be incorporated successfully into business deals. “Considering merger…

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Mastering the new science of engineered management decision processes
24 Oct, 2015 By Humatica

Mastering the new science of engineered management decision processes

Despite huge efforts to improve operational processes over the past 20 years, critically important management processes are left up to the discretion of each manager…

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Hard lessons for soft factors
13 Oct, 2015 By Humatica

Hard lessons for soft factors

In an article published in last week’s issue of RealDeals Humatica’s Andros Payne explores what the Volkswagen value collapse says about knowledge worker behaviour, productivity…

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Soft factors: the third wave
12 Oct, 2015 By Humatica

Soft factors: the third wave

“GPs know that it is important to bring operational capabilities to their deals if they want to make stellar returns. But in overlooking the importance of soft factors they are missing out…

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The modern perils of leading knowledge-based organisations
01 Oct, 2015 By Humatica

The modern perils of leading knowledge-based organisations

Volksvagen | VW Now, with the benefit of hindsight, it is a stupid surprise. How is it that a group of employees at VW could…

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Making the jump: Managing the transition to private equity ownership
29 Sep, 2015 By Humatica

Making the jump: Managing the transition to private equity ownership

The transition into a new executive role in private equity is tough. The performance demands and rigour of private equity’s active governance model can be…

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Making the Jump | How to increase the chances of CEO success
01 Sep, 2015 By Humatica

Making the Jump | How to increase the chances of CEO success

It is notoriously difficult for new buy-out CEOs to make the jump to private equity. The skills and competencies required to fulfil rigorous performance requirements are…

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Re-engineering management decision-making processes
01 Aug, 2015 By Humatica

Re-engineering management decision-making processes

Operational processes have been re-engineered to perfection over the past 20 years. However, management decision-making processes that sit above them, are still left up to individual…

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Expert Interview: TPG Senior Advisor Norman Walker explains the secrets of success for portfolio company CEOs
13 Jul, 2015 By Humatica

Expert Interview: TPG Senior Advisor Norman Walker explains the secrets of success for portfolio company CEOs

About the Interviewee NORMAN WALKER is an advisor to TPG Capital for portfolio company organisational and leadership issues. He leads his own firm Ardfern AG,…

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The CEO’s role in driving value creation
01 Jul, 2015 By Humatica

The CEO’s role in driving value creation

Private equity’s governance structure places unique and high demands on senior executives. They are at the fulcrum of the capitalist system, balancing the requirements of…

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Shifting Culture for Value Growth
01 Jun, 2015 By Humatica

Shifting Culture for Value Growth

All the easy levers have been pulled – purchasing cost reduction, a new strategy – so what’s next? Private equity sponsors are increasingly looking at…

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The best kept secrets about successful post-merger integration
06 May, 2015 By Humatica

The best kept secrets about successful post-merger integration

What are the real reasons for roughly half of all mergers failing to generate their cost of capital?  In the latest edition of Acquisition International…

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The Key to Merger Success
01 May, 2015 By Humatica

The Key to Merger Success

Getting the culture right is critical for merger success. The greatest risk for failure is culture clash, a breakdown of trust, and the resulting stagnation. Merging…

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Shifting Behaviour in the Portfolio
01 Apr, 2015 By Humatica

Shifting Behaviour in the Portfolio

Private equity leaders are faced with a massive challenge – how to grow revenues and value in slow-growth markets. Shifting white-collar productivity and improving behaviour…

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Leading Private Equity Buy-outs
01 Apr, 2015 By Humatica

Leading Private Equity Buy-outs

The survival rate of private equity portfolio company CEOs is shockingly low. And the cost of changing the CEO in terms of lost time, effort and…

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Another one bites the dust
17 Mar, 2015 By Humatica

Another one bites the dust

In the latest edition of Real Deals magazine Humatica’s Andros Payne contributes with his views on why the half-life of private equity-backed chief executives is…

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No Pain, No Gain
07 Jan, 2015 By Humatica

No Pain, No Gain

Individual performance feedback is one of the toughest management processes to get right because it runs against the basic human nature of social interaction in…

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Humatica Delivers Insights on Value Creation Across the Private Equity Life Cycle
17 Dec, 2014 By Humatica

Humatica Delivers Insights on Value Creation Across the Private Equity Life Cycle

Humatica’s CEO, Andros Payne, contributes his thoughts to the latest Merrill DataSite white paper on value creation across the private equity life cycle. Read the report…

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Private Equity International Feature – “Cleaning up the Waste Industry”
30 Oct, 2014 By Humatica

Private Equity International Feature – “Cleaning up the Waste Industry”

Recent issue of PEI Operational Excellence: Keynote Interview with Erik Osmundsen, CEO of Altor’s portfolio company NorskGjenvinning and Andros Payne, Humatica The success of Altor’s…

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PEI Interview with Andros Payne: A new innovation paradigm
14 Oct, 2013 By Humatica

PEI Interview with Andros Payne: A new innovation paradigm

In today’s fast–moving markets, value creation comes from an organisation’s ability to collectively anticipate change, says Andros Payne, CEO of Humatica. More than a century…

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