Restructuring: More than Cost-Cutting


Humatica is featured in The Times of London on restructuring for future growth during COVID. The Raconteur supplement on Business Restructuring addresses key aspects on the impact of the pandemic on organisations.

Andros Payne, Managing Partner of Humatica, and client Stijn Vos, CEO of PE-backed Esdec, also discuss how to master organisational change while enabling the company to outperform its market and competition:

“It usually takes time for a new organisational set-up to become fully effective. So it is critical to anticipate future customer needs and competitive moves to align the business in advance.

“Leaders also tend to underestimate the disruption involved. They think it just involves shifting employees into new silos. They miss the impact of changes on management processes and interactions at lower levels in the organisation. It is important to work out the details around that impact before a new set-up goes live.

Yet another challenge is that leaders can be reluctant to involve other managers in their plans, fearing biased thinking or pre-emptive resignations. This is a fundamental error, says Payne. Managers at different levels understand the trade-offs, costs and potential gains of proposed changes better than anyone.

Read the full supplement here.

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