What got you here, won’t get you there. With deal prices on the rise, funds need work harder and take bigger risk to realize superior returns. How can they translate the full potential plan down into the organization and accelerate change quickly and with minimal risk? In this 10-minute tutorial, our managing partner and founder, Andros Payne, outlines how upskilling can help in unlocking fundamental value.
The private equity (PE) playbook is evolving. Rapid buy-and-sell cycles are giving way to continuation vehicles and longer hold periods, demanding a new approach to…
Read moreThe private equity landscape continues to evolve, influenced by macroeconomic shifts and emerging trends. The ecosystem is becoming increasingly polarized, with firms gravitating towards either…
Read moreWhy is it that most mergers, reorganizations, and downsizings fail to generate their anticipated full value? The main reason is that a lack of effective…
Read moreErhalten Sie jeden Monat Neuigkeiten und wertvolle Perspektiven zu Themen der organisatorischen Effektivität