Report: Organizational Effectiveness – Private Equity’s Third Wave of Value Creation


Talent Operating Partners are playing an increasingly critical role for value creation at the current inflection point for the PE industry where “what got you there, won’t get you there”.

Funds are at varying maturity levels on how to integrate the new talent role into the investment process. And, there is still a lack of hard-facts tools and methods to provide concrete evidence that drives change.

Humatica’s recent release of its new “Third Wave” study tracks the development of the Talent Operating Partner role and documents the state-of-the-art.

Initially published in 2016 to document the emergence of talent management as a value creation lever, the current study documents current best practice approaches including;

How to:

  • get a fact-based understanding of leadership team competencies
  • assess middle management’s ability to translate the value creation plan into front-line actions
  • uncover the aspects of culture which drive decision making and implementation
  • assess governance quality.

Download the best practice guide to leveraging organizational effectiveness as the ultimate source of sustainable value creation.

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